I Feel Good
- A survival comedy
The Street Theatre Company Brændende Kærlighed presents: I FEEL GOOD. A small plane from Feel Good Airlines has made a emergency landing and out of the wreck climbs three caracters: The handsome captain, the lovely stewardess and a most annoying passenger. What happens when you hit the ground and are struck by pure goodness?
I FEEL GOOD is a physical comedy without words (but with a lot of gibberish).
The performance is humorous, poetic and edgee. It is told without words in Brændende Kærligheds physical and comic theatre stile.
Hmf Brændende Kærligheds tour in the summer of 2009 gathered a huges audience all over Denmark and on the Fira de Tarrega in Spain (from where the picture were taken).
The Danish news paper Kristelig Dagblad wrote: "wibbeliwabbeliwauww!"
Actors: Kristian Dinesen, Line Svendsen, Jens Kløft
Playwriters: Annegrete Kraul & Jens Kløft
Director: Bodil El Jørgensen
Set design: Henriette Drejer Lubanski